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Mitglied werden Mitglied werden SBK-Mitglied werden: So geht's Das sagen unsere Versicherten Auszeichnungen Infomaterial bestellen SBK empfehlen Ausbildung Studium Beruf Selbstständigkeit Familie Beratung & Leistungen Beratung & Leistungen Alternative Medizin Ausland Beratung & Services Gesundheit & Behandlung E-Health Pflege Schwangerschaft & Familie Vorsorge & Prävention Zahngesundheit Alternative Medizin Akupunktur Homöopathie & Homöopathen-Suche Osteopathie & Osteopathen-Suche Ausland SBK-Auslandsberatung EHIC Reiseschutzimpfungen Beratung & Services Persönliche Kundenberatung Gesundheitsservices Zuzahlung und Erstattung Gesundheit & Behandlung Arbeitsunfähigkeit (eAU) Ärztliche Zweitmeinung Arzneimittel & Verbandmittel Arzt und Klinik Brillen und Hilfsmittel Chronische Erkrankungen Heilmittel Krankengeld Krebserkrankungen Kuren und Rehabilitation Psychische Gesundheit Unterstützende Leistungen Organspende E-Health Apps und digitale Angebote Digitale Services Pflege Formulare und Anträge für Pflegeleistungen Pflegebedarf was nun Leistungen nach Pflegegrad Pflege zu Hause Pflege im Pflegeheim Pflegende Angehörige Pflegeunterstützungs- und Entlastungsgesetz Patientenverfügung und Vorsorgevollmacht Schwangerschaft & Familie Schwangerschaft & Geburt Vorsorge & Prävention für Kinder Behandlung Kinderkrankengeld Vorsorge & Prävention Früherkennung Impfungen Gesundheitsangebote und -kurse SBK-Bonusprogramm Zahngesundheit Professionelle Zahnreinigung Kieferorthopädische Behandlung Zahnvorsorge Zahnbehandlungen und Zahnfüllungen Zahnersatz Versicherung & Tarife Versicherung & Tarife Anträge & Formulare Beiträge Familienversicherung Pflegeversicherung Wahltarife Zusatzversicherungen SBK-Gesundheitskarte Beiträge Beitragssatz Beitragsrechner Arbeitnehmer Auszubildende und Schüler Studenten Werkstudenten Selbstständige Freiwillig Versicherte Rentnerinnen und Rentner Arbeitslose Wahltarife SBK-Selbstbehalttarif SBK-Krankengeld-Wahltarif für hauptberuflich Selbstständige SBK-Krankengeld-Wahltarif für Kunstschaffende und Publizierende Zusatzversicherungen Ambulante Zusatzversicherung Auslandsreiseversicherung Familien-Zusatzversicherung Krankenhaus Pflege Verdienstausfall Vorsorge Zahn-Zusatzversicherung Basisinformationen Zusatzversicherung SBK-Gesundheitskarte Häufige Fragen Fragen zum Foto PIN und PUK Gesundheitsdaten Gesundheitswissen Meine SBK Meine SBK Direkt zum Login Dokumenten-Upload Online-Post Meine Daten Meine Vorgänge Bonusprogramme Anträge und Formulare Mitgliedsbescheinigungen Häufige Fragen Kontakt Kontakt Nachricht senden Rückruf vereinbaren Videoberatung vereinbaren Kundenberater-Suche Geschäftsstellen-Suche
Mitglied werden Mitgliedsbescheinigung Kostenfreie Familienversicherung Persönlichen Daten aktualisieren Registrierung Meine SBK SBK-Bonusprogramm Krankmeldung Rechnungserstattung Anträge & Formulare
Mitglied werden Mitgliedsbescheinigung Kostenfreie Familienversicherung Persönlichen Daten aktualisieren Registrierung Meine SBK SBK-Bonusprogramm Krankmeldung Rechnungserstattung Anträge & Formulare

0800 072 572 572 50

Mo - Fr | 8:00 - 18:00 Uhr gebührenfrei

0800 072 572 585 50

Mo - Fr | 8:00 - 20:00 Uhr gebührenfrei

Menü Mitglied werden Beratung & Leistungen Versicherung & Tarife Gesundheitswissen Meine SBK Kontakt Mitglied werden SBK-Mitglied werden: So geht's Das sagen unsere Versicherten Auszeichnungen Infomaterial bestellen SBK empfehlen Ausbildung Studium Beruf Selbstständigkeit Familie Beratung & Leistungen Alternative Medizin Ausland Beratung & Services Gesundheit & Behandlung E-Health Pflege Schwangerschaft & Familie Vorsorge & Prävention Zahngesundheit Versicherung & Tarife Anträge & Formulare Beiträge Familienversicherung Pflegeversicherung Wahltarife Zusatzversicherungen SBK-Gesundheitskarte Meine SBK Direkt zum Login Dokumenten-Upload Online-Post Meine Daten Meine Vorgänge Bonusprogramme Anträge und Formulare Mitgliedsbescheinigungen Häufige Fragen Kontakt Nachricht senden Rückruf vereinbaren Videoberatung vereinbaren Kundenberater-Suche Geschäftsstellen-Suche Alternative Medizin Akupunktur Homöopathie & Homöopathen-Suche Osteopathie & Osteopathen-Suche Ausland SBK-Auslandsberatung EHIC Reiseschutzimpfungen Beratung & Services Persönliche Kundenberatung Gesundheitsservices Zuzahlung und Erstattung Gesundheit & Behandlung Arbeitsunfähigkeit (eAU) Ärztliche Zweitmeinung Arzneimittel & Verbandmittel Arzt und Klinik Brillen und Hilfsmittel Chronische Erkrankungen Heilmittel Krankengeld Krebserkrankungen Kuren und Rehabilitation Psychische Gesundheit Unterstützende Leistungen Organspende E-Health Apps und digitale Angebote Digitale Services Pflege Formulare und Anträge für Pflegeleistungen Pflegebedarf was nun Leistungen nach Pflegegrad Pflege zu Hause Pflege im Pflegeheim Pflegende Angehörige Pflegeunterstützungs- und Entlastungsgesetz Patientenverfügung und Vorsorgevollmacht Schwangerschaft & Familie Schwangerschaft & Geburt Vorsorge & Prävention für Kinder Behandlung Kinderkrankengeld Vorsorge & Prävention Früherkennung Impfungen Gesundheitsangebote und -kurse SBK-Bonusprogramm Zahngesundheit Professionelle Zahnreinigung Kieferorthopädische Behandlung Zahnvorsorge Zahnbehandlungen und Zahnfüllungen Zahnersatz Beiträge Beitragssatz Beitragsrechner Arbeitnehmer Auszubildende und Schüler Studenten Werkstudenten Selbstständige Freiwillig Versicherte Rentnerinnen und Rentner Arbeitslose Wahltarife SBK-Selbstbehalttarif SBK-Krankengeld-Wahltarif für hauptberuflich Selbstständige SBK-Krankengeld-Wahltarif für Kunstschaffende und Publizierende Zusatzversicherungen Ambulante Zusatzversicherung Auslandsreiseversicherung Familien-Zusatzversicherung Krankenhaus Pflege Verdienstausfall Vorsorge Zahn-Zusatzversicherung Basisinformationen Zusatzversicherung SBK-Gesundheitskarte Häufige Fragen Fragen zum Foto PIN und PUK Gesundheitsdaten Magazin Arbeitgeberservice Leistungserbringende Karriere Unternehmen Presse & Politik EnglishLogin

Privacy policy Meine SBK app

Our Meine SBK app allows you to manage your affairs from the comfort of your own home without having to worry about our opening times.

The protection of your personal data is very important to us. The following privacy policy provides you with an overview of when we store data and the purposes for which they are collected and processed.

As a public body, we are subject to the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG-neu), the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and the special provisions concerning the protection of social security data of the books of the German Social Code (SGB), especially Books I, V, X, XI and XII. Our adherence to the statutory provisions is verified on a regular basis.

Personal data and data relating to a person

We offer you the opportunity to register for the SBK Account in our Meine SBK app. Data collected and processed in the context of this registration can be found in the ‘Consent for identification and authentication as part of the setting up and using the SBK Account’.

Our Meine SBK app accesses or can access the following functions on your device: location (for searching for nearby branches), contacts (e.g. for storing the contact details of your personal consultant), memory (e.g. for PDF downloads) and (on iOS) the phone (for direct calling by tapping a number).

Your consent to the processing of data

Your data from your visit to the app will not be collected, processed or used automatically without your express consent. Your IP address is stored for 30 days. However, we cannot access this and as such, it cannot be associated with an individual. We will store your personal data if you expressly provide us with this data. This is the case if you have registered for the Meine SBK app. In the event that you request the deletion of the account, all data associated with the registration of the SBK Account will be deleted, unless there are statutory rights or obligations of retention in individual cases.

Allocation of passwords

After registration with password assignment in the SBK Account, it is neither possible to view the data or change it. Services such as online mail cannot yet be used. Only by linking a mobile device (iOS, Android) of your choice, assigning an app code and providing secure proof of your identity is it possible to activate unrestricted access, including data access and the ability to make changes. In addition, insured family members are displayed for certain services.

You are obliged to ensure that no third party gains possession of the password and app code. If you fail to do so, SBK does not accept any liability for any damage incurred as a result.

To enter the app code in the Meine SBK app, you can also use the fingerprint sensor (Touch ID) or face recognition (Face ID) on iOS. A system function of your smartphone is used for this purpose. Only information on whether the biometric check was successful is transferred to the Meine SBK app in this case. Do not enable the Touch ID or Face ID features for the Meine SBK app if other people use your smartphone.

Use and disclosure of your data

If you have provided data, we only use this data for the original purpose of identifying your personal consultant and SBK branch.

Your data will not be passed on to third parties without your consent. Data is only passed on to third parties in line with mandatory statutory regulations or if the disclosure is necessary for the purposes of litigation or prosecution in the event of an attack on our network infrastructure. We have our external service providers sign a contractual undertaking to adhere to the provisions concerning the protection of social security data. To this end, we enter into a legally required data processing contract in the sense of Article 28 GDPR and Section 80 of Book X of the German Social Code (SGB). As the client, we inspect the protection of your personal data prior to the start of the data processing, and then regularly monitor compliance with the technical and organisational measures implemented by the contractor

Data transmission

Whenever you provide personal data, your data will be encrypted before it is transmitted so that it cannot be accessed by unauthorised parties.

You can use the app to photograph specific documents and electronically transfer them to SBK in encrypted form. Therefore, you no longer have to send these documents to SBK in paper form. The documents with the data contained therein will only be processed for the purpose of fulfilling the duties of SBK. Further information on data protection at SBK can be found at

Use of cookies

We use session cookies in several areas of our app (login functionality, PHP session identifier cookie, application assignment). They become invalid automatically at the end of your visit. A cookie is a small text file containing information which is installed on the device of the visitor. Cookies cause no damage to your device and do not contain viruses. They serve to make our app more user-friendly and effective.

Push notifications

You can use push notifications to be informed of new messages received in your online post.

To do this, our push messaging service (Optimizely) uses Google Firebase to transmit an identifier to us that identifies your device. The identifier enables us to send the desired notification to you. We can also track whether you have opened the push notification. This helps us be able to continuously improve our service.

You can revoke your consent to push notifications at any time in the app settings. You can object to the tracking of notifications being opened at the bottom of the page. We can delete the identifier if you revoke your consent to it.

Links to other websites

We accept no responsibility for the content of websites accessed via links in our app. If you believe that third-party websites to which our app links are in breach of the law or otherwise have inappropriate content, please let us know. We will follow up on your report immediately and remove the link if necessary.

Right to withdraw consent

Your consent to the storage and use of your personal data for a specific purpose can be withdrawn at any time with future effect. The data in question will then be erased without undue delay.  

If you would like to withdraw your consent to the use of your data, please send an email to


If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our data protection officer:

Heimeranstr. 31
80339 München

Alternatively, use our online form for an encrypted data transfer:

Data protection contact form

When you use the contact form, please provide either your health insurance number or your address and phone number so that we are able to process your query. It goes without saying that we will only use this data to process your query and will delete it afterwards.
Please note that messages (e.g. emails) are not encrypted when they are transmitted over the internet. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that information might be read, modified or deleted by unauthorised third parties. For this reason, we recommend that you use the forms on the SBK website as this data is then encrypted and transmitted securely.

Use of the analytics service Crashlytics

To improve Meine SBK, we analyse anonymised crash reports, if you provide your consent in the app for us to do so. For this purpose we use Crashlytics, a service of Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. This tool is used to send us information in the event that the app crashes, so we can identify the cause of the crash and resolve the issue more quickly. The transmitted data is of a purely technical nature and does not involve any personal data. Further information on data protection at Crashlytics can be found at

Use of the analytics service Matomo

This app uses Matomo to statistically evaluate visits in order to improve SBK’s website. This data cannot be analysed in connection to any particular person. Matomo is configured in compliance with data protection laws and uses cookies. The information on the use of the app generated by the cookie is stored on SBK’s server in Germany. The IP address is anonymised as soon as it has been processed and before it is stored. The information on your use of the app generated by the cookie is not shared with third parties.

You can disable data collection by Matomo in the app settings.

Use of external services

Netigate: We use the software of the provider Netigate (Netigate Deutschland GmbH, Untermainkai 27-28, 60329 Frankfurt am Main) to conduct surveys. Only data collected on our behalf is stored in the software. Personal data is deleted from the software every 30 days at the latest. IP addresses or host names are not stored. If you take part in a survey, your answers will be analysed exclusively by SBK. Personal data will not be passed on to third parties.

0800 072 572 572 50

Mo - Fr | 8:00 - 18:00 Uhr gebührenfrei

0800 072 572 585 50

Mo - Fr | 8:00 - 20:00 Uhr gebührenfrei

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