Physiotherapy, podiatry, speech therapy and occupational therapy are all classed as remedies
Remedies form part of the range of medical services that your doctor may prescribe. They are conducted by specially trained therapists.
The most common remedies are:
How to get remedies:
Your doctor will issue you with a prescription if he or she believes a remedy (i.e. therapeutic intervention) to be necessary, taking the Federal Joint Committee’s remedy guidelines into account. The number of treatment units will depend on the type and severity of the condition. You can then go directly to a licensed therapist of your choice with your prescription; you do not require approval from us.
Your therapist invoices us directly for the cost of the treatment. You only pay the statutory co-payment for your treatment. This amounts to 10% of the cost, plus 10 euros per prescription. You pay this co-payment directly to your therapist.
For example, in the case of an invoice for six massages, you pay the additional charge of 10 euros for the prescription, plus 10% of the cost of each massage.
Remedies for children and young people up to the age of 18 are generally exempt from co-payments.