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Meine SBK once again ranked amongst top apps

Meine SBK has been rated as a top app in a major online panel survey run by FOCUS-MONEY in partnership with ServiceValue.

Siegel von Focus Money mit dem Titel " Top App"

App users were asked to indicate how happy they were with their experience of using a wide range of everyday smartphone apps. A total of 91,658 user opinions about 584 apps from 48 different industries make up the survey. SBK receives the "Top App" award for the sixth time in a row.

The specific question asked in the survey was: ‘How happy are you overall with your experience of using the following apps on your smartphone? Please base your rating on your own experiences over the past 12 months.’ Respondents could choose from the following answers: ‘excellent’ (1), ‘very good’ (2), ‘good’ (3), ‘neither good nor bad’ (5) and ‘bad’ (5).

Based on the responses, Service Value calculated an average value for each individual app and for each sector. Applications whose satisfaction score was better than the industry average received the "Top App" award.

Further details on the study can be found on the website of the analysis and consulting company ServiceValue (in German only).

The complete overview of the rankings in the health insurance category can be found here.

A wide range of online services are available for you via our Meine SBK app. Further information about our app and registration can be found here.

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